The Main Do’s and Don’ts of Good Logo Design

The Main Do’s and Don’ts of Good Logo Design

While starting your brand or business, many important things require your
attention. When it comes to marketing that company, your logo comes
first and foremost, it is also considered the heart of your branding


The importance of your logo can be estimated by imagining it as the face
of your company. Think about all the famous brands, and the very
first thing that comes to your mind is their logo.

Your logo represents your business or brand’s essence. Still, it doesn’t
mean that you have to hire an expensive Graphics designer, especially
at the beginning of your startup, business, or brand.

However, you can follow this list of Do’s and Don’t design a perfect logo
since you have no previous experience.


Things you should Do:

Logos Should be Clean and Understandable:


The first thing you should keep in mind while designing your logo is
keeping it clean, decent, and easy to read and understand.


Use Metaphors:


Many Successful brands use this technique to highlight their core business
in the logo. Use a visual metaphor that displays what you do; for
example, if you have a car repair shop, use a wheel or steering wheel
in your logo.

Don’t Forget Color Scheming:


Choosing the right color combinations in your logo is more crucial than you
think. Different colors have different physiological effects on our
minds. For example, Blue is calming, peaceful while yellow gives a
bright and positive vibe. Do your research about colors and different
combinations; you can ask a friend for a second opinion.

Align the elements:


It’s a point that designers keep in mind while creating a logo; keeping
all the elements aligned gives a symmetric look of the logo. Objects,
elements that are appropriately aligned look more attractive than
others. Its not a fixed rule of designing but could be considered
while designing a logo.

Keep your icons visible:


While shaping your logo, keep in mind your icons large enough so they could
be visible even after minimizing it. Many logos looks great in a
standard size but looks awful when minimized from their original

Things you Should not do:

Don’t overthink:


Go easy on yourself. Even great designers started by creating terrible
designs. If you try to create an iconic, extraordinary logo, you’ll
end up getting frustrated. Instead of overthinking your logo, you
should be focusing on creating a minimal decent design that
represents your new brand.

Don’t copy Anyone:


The worst thing you can do to your new brand is copy its logo design from
somewhere else. Getting inspired by design is something else;
however, steeling the entire concept from somewhere else won’t
benefit you by any means. Your brand will be viewed as a copy version
of the original one.


Logo Designer SA is part of the Design Rush Top 30 Social Media Marketing Agencies

Logo Designer SA also specializes in social media strategies for small business. Contact Us for a quote.